We have just launched a new product that is now available for purchase.  We call it our "Reference Checker."  If a job seeker has ever wondered what his or her past employers or managers are saying about them during a reference check, this is the best way to find out for sure.  Are you getting the type of recommendation that you not only deserve but are expecting.  Is a former manager not reporting accurate information about your past employment that may hinder your future career?  Does a past boss have a negative attitude toward you on the phone?  These are all things that can hinder a job applicant from landing their dream job.  The service entails one of our professional and experienced team members calling and speaking to your past employers to see what they are really saying about you.  We will call using a fictitious organization name and anonymous phone number during the call.  If a negative report is uncovered, one of our team members will consult with you on how to handle the situation and possible remedies.  Prices start at only $14.99 per reference check and include a report on the results of each verification.

Angela Gurka

CEO of StandOut Resume, LLC and Career Consultant, Angela has over 12 years of business experience in various industries and organizations.


September 2011


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